Need someone to call you or make calls for you daily?

We Check On You provides a caring service to seniors.

We Check On You provides a caring service to seniors.

Our mission is to provide our clients with courteous, reliable, and quality telecommunication service seven days a week. We Check On You provides a daily friendly and caring voice on the telephone to our clients who:

  • May live alone
  • Are seniors
  • Are sick or shut-in
  • Have no other responsible person, family members, or friends to make contact on a regularly scheduled basis
  • Have a family that is out of the area.

What We Do

We provide a series of scheduled daily calls (either in the morning, afternoon, or evening), depending on your chosen schedule. We also call with midday reminders. This is especially important in the instance when someone who needs to take medication at specific times.

We also provide temporary services during caregiver absences.

We Check On You is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, but our clientele is national. We provide calls for people from Washington State to Washington, DC.