Frequently Asked Questions

Q – Can I tell you when I want you to call me, or do I have to go by your schedule?

A – No, you do not have to go by our schedule. You let us know when you want us to call. Calls are made within a one-hour time frame, once you have given us your schedule.  (Example 7 am to 8 am)

Supporting Senior Independent Living

Q – It takes me a long time to get to the telephone; how many times will you let the phone ring?

A – The normal is up to 15 rings; if more is needed, this information will be obtained from the client or their representative.

Q – Do you provide other services besides daily calls, such a running errands, taking clients out for lunch, shopping?

A – At present, some services are available in San Francisco only.

Q – Can you provide short term service for 3 to 4 months?

A – Yes, we can provide service for 1 month and up.

Q – What do you do if there is no answer when called?

A – We continue to call until someone answers, or we call the emergency contact person. The time frame for these calls depends on the clients.